Friday 14 February 2014

1. Saturday: Mixed herbs chicken & rice & mixed veg


*Chicken thighs
*Dried mixed herbs
*Garlic powder
*Salt & Pepper
*Long grain rice
*frozen mixed veg

So this was a simple urgh don't feel like cooking but can't stand to look at another fried food item without clawing my eyes out! Probably not the most exciting of food but it was clean and felt healthy (somewhere logic of chicken soup = chicken good for colds).


I placed the chicken on a baking tray in the oven at 220oC with the mixed herbs, garlic and seasoning sprinkled on top for 40 minutes.

Next I decided to try out our new rice cooker my Chinese mother in law had brought us for Christmas. No where in the instructions had how long the rice would actually cook for (later found out it was around 15 minutes) but it also has a warming function after its finished cooking so we were saved. I love it for some reason whenever I've attempted rice in a saucepan it just doesn't turn out right but this actually seemed to taste more like MIL rice. It was a case of 1 cup of rice and 1 1/2 cups of water, put in in the rice cooker, turned it on and that was it....simples!

The veg I boiled in a saucepan.


It did what it said on the tin. It was clean simple flavours but it was nice :o)

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