Friday 14 February 2014

5. Wednesday Chinese 5 spice chicken drumsticks & egg fried rice & veg

This was kinda similar to Saturday's dinner. It was supposed to be chicken legs but there was a loss in translation when hubby did the shopping. The flavouring on the chicken made it taste completely different though and the rice was Lidl's microwave Nasi Gorrang (or something to that sort) that Sam had picked up. I normally avoid microwave meals like the plague as it just doesn't seem natural for a food to be sat in a plastic container like that for months on end and still be nutritional but as it was in the fridge and needed using up I decided to give it a go and (although I would never confess it to hubby) it was actually pretty damn tasty!


* Chicken drumsticks
* Teaspoon of salt, 5 spice and white pepper mixed together
* The weird Nasi gorrang thai egg fried rice packet thing
* Frozen mixed veg


1. Sprinkle the spice mix over the chicken and place on a baking tray in the oven at 200oC the pack said for 40minutes but I actually gave them 1 hour as when i went to get them out the skin wasn't crispy on the side down, so prob best to turn half way through.

2. Boil the veg

3. Microwave the rice for 8 minutes, give it a stir and microwave for 2 more minutes


The rice was awesome but still doesn't sit too comfortably with microwaving food in plastic as I have heard plastic being heated can cause cancers. The chicken was nice except that it burned where the seasoning was and so maybe the seasoning should be put on the last 5 minutes or after cooking. But nice flavours that taste slightly exotic thanks to the 5 spice.

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