Friday 21 February 2014

Week 3: 1st birthday celebrations so not much cooking week

So this week is our son's first birthday which is ultra special as he was born at 24 weeks and wasn't expected to actually reach his first birthday! We have been super blessed and he has no developmental or physical disabilities and an absolutely beautiful little boy!

The plan so far for this week is:

Saturday: Meeting friends for lunch so will probably have a light dinner of the Left over lamb not sure how yet maybe as a stirfry or as homemade kebabs

Sunday: Roast pork belly with chinese seasoning & rice & cauliflower and broccoli cheese the mother-in-law is coming for celebrations and so making her favourite foods

Monday: Birthday time!!! Eating at family's house

Tuesday: Late evening hospital appointment so will be eating out

Wednesday: eating at a friend's house

Thursday: Spanish bean stew

Friday: Chinese style braised one pot & rice & pak choi

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